

015-esto es el fin.mp3

Barón Roskow, la momia acústica.

Barón Roskow, la momia acústica.

In parallel to his work as a painter and perhaps with a more playful intention, Roskow with the pseudonym Baron Roskow records his own self-produced songs in the small recording studio he rides and dismounts in the paint shop where he plays with guitar sounds and keyboards from Quick way, recording the result in the form of models that may one day go through a professional study and become something editable.
From time to time the sarcophagus opens and the acoustic mummy goes for a walk with his guitar and pre recorded in hand by some stage of the city realizing concerts of undoubted interest.
Here you can listen to a large sample of their songs.


002-la vida real.mp3
003-donde yo vivo.mp3
005.super fan.mp3
007-monna lisa.mp3
008la alcurnia llama a la puera.mp3
un dia en la nave.mp3
no te fijes en la forma2.mp3
014-ya no entiendo nada.mp3

Los Hormigones

los hormigones

Son muchos los años que los Hormigones tocan, ensayan y graban juntos con la voz cantante de Roskow.
Ya que la banda tiene su propia página nos dirigiremos a ella: web de los hormigones